A winding path climbed up from the savanna into the twisting valleys of the Stonetalon Mountains.
But the path was not safe. Misguided - and very dangerous - shaman poured out of Grimtotem Post.
The small troll encampment at Malaka'jin was surrounded on all sides.
After the destruction of Camp Aparaje, the Grimtotems continued to roam the area intent on revenge.
Further into the mountains the road merges with the Webwinder Path.
The Path lead into Sishir Canyon, home of enormous deadly spiders.
Destruction lay along the shores of the Blackwolf River.
The Venture Co. moved into Windshear Crag in a relentless pursuit of the natural resources.
Their monstrous machines hewed down ancient trees as if they were mere saplings ...
... although not all of the once magnificent forest surrendered easily.
Venture Co. lumber mills chewed through the woods until none remained.
The Goblin's mine ravaged the earth as cruelly as the forests.
While machinery spewed pollution into Cragpool Lake.
Day and night the works befouled the waters.
Out of the Crag and along the Path lay Sun Rock Retreat.
Near Mirkfallon Lake the road was blocked.
The Lake itself was teaming with unusual - and deadly - creatures.
Stonetalon Peak was the highest point within the Mountains.
The Peak was spiritual center for Druids of all races, although the Alliance's Night Elves held control of the shrine.
The small village was a place for meditation and peace.
The Talon Den was a Barrow for all races of Druids.
The Talondeep Path lead back into the heart of Night Elven territory.
Far to the south, out of the Druids' realm, The Charred Vale was infested with Harpies.
For a land that was once lush and green, the Stonetalon Mountains stood scarred and mostly forgotten by citizens and adventures alike.
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