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Monday, August 9, 2010

Kalimdor: Felwoood

Once as lush and full of life as Ashenvale to the south, the Felwood was irreversibly corrupted by the power of the Skull of Gul'dan.

Abandoned by the Night Elves centuries ago, the ruins of Morlos'Aran crumbled from demonic energies and sheer neglect.

Deadwood Village was tainted by the Fel magics, twisting and warping the minds of the local furbolg tribes.

Demons openly walked the withering earth within the Jadefire Glen.

Amid the ruins of Constellas, once one of many Night Elf settlements near Mount Hyjal, Satyr befouled the Moonwell and manipulated its energies.

The Druids of the Emerald Circle held out within their Sanctuary, refusing to surrender the corrupted land to the demons.

The Horde maintained only a small presence at Bloodvenom Post.

Aside from their tiny outpost at Talonbranch Glade, the Alliance abandoned the woods as well.

 The Shadow Counsel defiled the ruins of an anceient Night Elven city, renaming the turned ground Jaedenar in honor of the demonic master, Kil'Jaeden.

 A blood red mist hung over the abandoned city and poisoned the Moonwell.

The cultists killed the sleeping druids within their Barrow Den and turned the underground labyrinth into an coven of evil magics and twisted experimentation.

Shadow Hold became a haven for both Cultists and Demons alike.

Captured Night Elves were tortured and tormented within the walls of their former sanctuary ...

... and an evil unlike anything the Felwood had seen since the Skull of Gul'Dan lurked in the deepest and darkest enclaves of the Hold.

Every part of the land was touched by the demonic energies. Even the waters of Bloodvenom Falls were corrupted.

 The land of Shattered Scar Vale was still marred from the fiery rain of Infernals that poured down upon Azeroth in the Third War.

Three of the greatest elven Ancients - Hastat, Stoma and Vartrus - were petrified by the demons and stand entombed in the center of the Irontree Woods.

Some of the most powerful Satyr on Azeroth corrupted the earth below Jadefire Run.

The tainted waters of Felwood had an unusual effect on the furbolgs who made their home in Felpaw Village.

Yet their Timbermaw neighbors seemed untouched by the demons' corruption. They remained one of the last free tribes on Kalimdor.

Despite the efforts of the Druids, the Horde, and the Alliance, Felwood remained one of the most evil and twisted lands on Azeroth.

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