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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Eastern Kingdoms: Westfall

Despite resting in the shadow of Stormwind City, the human lands of Westfall were some of the most troubled in that kingdom.

Ships ran aground on Longshore's rocky coasts.

Murlocs waylaid other vessels.

 Pirates hid their treasure on the coastal islands.
The Westfall Lighthouse was haunted by spirits of sailors past.

 Only the most determined humans remained on the Longshore.

 The once fertile land became the neglected and barren Dust Plains.

The Alexston Farmstead was abandoned.

 Furlbrow's Pumpin Patch went untended.

The Molsen Farm's crops were left to fend for their own.

The scorched earth of The Dead Acre wouldn't have grown even if its owners had remained behind.

All of those once productive farms, along with Demont's place, were ransacked by the Defias Brotherhood's thugs.

 The Gold Coast Quarry was also stolen from its rightful owners.

The rich ore of the Jangolode Mine was also under Defias control.

The entire town of Moonbrook was overrun by members of the Brotherhood.

Twisted experiments took place in the empty shells of homes.

The Defias Brotherhood's legendary hideout, The Dead Mines, was hidden within a twisting series of tunnels and paths below Moonbrook.

The bandits' camps littered the countryside.

And into the mountains of the Dagger Hills.

 Although abandoned by Stormwind, the people of Sentinel Hill remained to protect what remained of their homes and livelihood.

The Peoples' Militia was all that stood between the refugees and the destruction of The Defias Brotherhood.

Left alone to face the many dangers that plagued it, Westfall endured the best it could.

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely amazing :) I am so glad I found your site!
