At the mouth of of a great swampy bay sat the Theramore Isle lighthouse, leading Alliance vessels to safety within the walled city's harbor.
Theramore Isle's property came mostly from sea trade, and the docks were a frequent stop for merchants and adventures alike.
Heavily guarded by Lady Jaina Proudmoore's troops, the city was the only major Alliance military installation in all of Kalimdor.
Nearly all the comforts of a large city could be found within Theramore's walls.
Theramore's considerable military might was trained and lead from Foothold Citadel.
Lady Proudmoore ruled from her tower high above the city.
Yet not all was calm within Theramore and not all of the people were content.
A band of Deserters sought to infiltrate and undermined Jaina's command. What they would stop at, no one knew.
Outside the Gates of Theramore the wilds were dangerous and damp.
The Dreadmurk Shore was teaming with aggressive wildlife.
Savage beasts held islands off the mainland.
While Defias thugs claimed other islands for their own.
The wreckage of those caught between the conflicting powers washed burned as it floated out to sea.
The largest of the outlaying isles was Alcaz Island.
Once a small human settlement, the island was overrun with Naga.
The internment camp was turned against the humans, the captives now the captors . Dr. Weavle and his flying machine guarded the prisoners.
Deep beneath the ground winding prison corridors lead to cold, damp cells. Someone of great importance must have been held here.
At Sentry Point on the mainland Theramore's forces tried to tame the savage land.
But the weather and the Marsh would not submit.
Something was very wrong with the residents of Swamplight Manor.
Malicious spirits floated around the Manor on Witch Hill.
The Grimtotem Clan sent war parties out from Blackhoof Village.
While both the Alliance and the Horde raided their encampment.
Darkmist Cavern was swarming with giant, poisonous spiders.
Deeper still into the Marsh lay the Ogres' Brackenwall Village.
Lead to the Marsh by the Horde during the Third War, the Ogres frequently clashed with Theramore's guards.
Grimtotems manned Direhorn Post in the western part of the Marsh ...
... and burned the near by the Shady Rest Inn to the ground.
Theramore Deserters used Lost Point as a staging ground for their raids.
Tabetha's Farm clung to one of the few dry areas of The Quagmire.
Beezil's Wreck is all that remained of the goblin's zeppelin ...
... which was sent to resupply the goblin town of Mudsprocket.
The Stonemaul Ruins were besieged by the Black Dragonflight.
The Den of Flames was the lair of some of the Black Flight's more powerful minions ...
... and Emberstrife's Den was the home of one of the Flight's most powerful lieutenants.
The Lady Onyxia made her lair within the deepest part of the Wyrmbog.
Another legendary figure stood amid the mists of the Bay:
At Nat's Landing, Nat Pagle, Fishing Extraordinaire, plumbed the waters for sea monsters - and legendary lost ale.
Trouble brewed in all corners of Duskwallow Marsh for both the Alliance and the Horde.
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