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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kalimdor: Darkshore

Across the Veiled Sea from Teldrassil, on the rocky coast of Kalimdor lay a strip of misty woods known as Darkshore.

Once the heart of the Night Elves' kingdom, the land is dotted with fallen buildings and the moldering remains of vast cities.

The Ruins of Mathystra were all that remained of a once mighty city.
 Both the building and its people were destroyed in the Sundering. 

 The long abandoned settlement was infested with Naga.

 The Tower of Althalaxx was home to a powerful, reclusive Magi and the cultists he commanded.

 Cliffspring Falls cascaded down from the mountain.

While the Cliffspring River flowed past forgotten cities out to the Veiled Sea.

The decaying ruins of Bashal'Aran seemed as desolate and empty as the woods around them ...

... yet perhaps the spirit of the Night Elves lingered faintly.

The Elves built their new village, Auberdine, along the cold and rocky shoreline.

The port was the northernmost gateway to Kalimdor for the Alliance.

The Mist's Edge Lighthouse protected the small bay.

Small islands were strung out along the Long Wash.

Some were held by territorial murlocs.

Others were treacherous to wayward ships.

Even the coastline proved dangerous to the unwary.

The Ruins of Ameth'Aran were haunted by the spirits of the Highborne.

Their mournful sound the only sound amid the fallen city.

The living were as dangerous as the undead. Furbolg tribes attacked from their encampment at the Twilight Vale.

Once peaceful Wildkin attacked any that ventured near their caves.

The Wildbend River cut through the southern portion of Darkshore.

It's deceptively calm water flowed past the Grove of the Ancients, a small Night Elf outpost.

Further south, the dwarf Prospector Remtravel explored Elven ruins in hope of finding the secrets of his people's past.

The legendary Master's Glaive was the source of much speculation - and much evil. Whether or not an Old God truly lay beneath the monumental weapon, Twilight Cultists chose the area for their dark rituals.

A land of sorrow and long past glory, Darkshore remained shrouded in both mist and mysteries.

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