To the east of Duskwood lay one of the most magically tormented and spiritually defiled lands in all of Azeroth: Deadwind Pass.
Neither carved signs nor swaying corpses could quite describe the horror and desolation that lay beyond.
Airden's abandoned camp was the only sign of the Alliance or the Horde.
A cold and stony river ran through the Deadwind Ravine.
Carrion birds and corrupted Ogri Magi were the only living things.
For so evil were the magics in the air that even the trees and stone were corrupted by its touch.
The Ivory Tower Karazhan lay at the nexus of several ley lines, drawing in their raw magical energy and twisting it to their master's own purposes. Once the lair of Medivh, the spire is much more ancient than it's last occupant.
The village outside the tower proper was sundered by the dark magics.
The Unliving Residents haunted their homes and chapel ...
... but none would venture near Morgan's Plot and the locked Crypt that held the remains of Medivh and Aegwynn.
Looking down from the ensorcelled ramparts the land seemed just as sterile and cold as it did on foot. Perhaps that was just as well.
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